Marine-derived health and biorevolution

Botamedi is dedicated to uncovering natural bioactive molecules that possess powerful therapeutic, protective and regenerative potential for brain degeneration, metabolic syndrome (heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes) and the skin among others.

Botamedi began the journey of scientific R&D in 2001 with the discovery of functional polyphenols and phlorotannins from the Ecklonia species of brown marine kelp.

We specialize in extraction, purification and characterization of marine phytochemicals using proprietary purification technology, driven by a global team of biomedical researchers and an international network of private and public research institutions located in Korea, USA and UK.

To date, the biochemistry, safety, physiological activity and pharmacokinetics of our marine polyphenols have been assessed and approved by international authorities in food and drug safety such as the US FDA and European EFSA.

In 2013, our proprietary formula PH100 was approved as an Investigational New Drug (IND) by the US FDA to start human clinical trials as an experimental drug.

Botamedi has developed different combinations of polyphenols to produce natural drugs and consumer health products that target a wide range of cells, systems and diseases. Our focus is on brain degenerative diseases, blood glucose and cholesterol-related diseases, inflammatory conditions and oxidative stress.